Tips to Elevate Your Inner Energy (for Fit Moms + Fit Pros Alike). Plus: Spring Break!

In this Blog Post:

  • Feel like your Positive Energy is Dipping? Tips for Keeping Inner Self Up This Spring
  • 3 Reasons to Continue Your Fitness Routine During Spring Break
  • 4 Types of Energy in Our Bodies
  • My Spring Break Class Schedule (in person + online classes) here
  • Spring Salad Recipe to Tantalize Taste Buds, Elevate Gut Health, Support Fit Goals
  • Group Fitness Instructor + Fit Pro Corner: Springtime WARRIOR Certifications

Energy Dipping? Tips for Keeping Your Inner Self Lifted Up This Spring

It’s time to bring the energy! 👏 I love the beginning of Spring because it’s a chance for a fresh start mindset. It’s a new beginning with new energy and enthusiasm. 🌱Obviously this month is all about energy. Seems a bit much? Well, not really. Everything begins with energy, we can’t do anything without it!

To start activating that inner energy, I want to just kick off this blog post with a quick pep talk. Here are the main things I want you to keep in the forefront of your mind all Spring long to keep your energy up! ⚡️

✅ True health comes from consistent action over time. Taking Action Consistently breeds confidence = energy boost galore! It’s the little things every day that add up to big transformations. Overnight results don’t last, so be prepared for the long haul if you want long-term results. Consistency is key!

✅ Progress matters way more than perfection. Don’t hold yourself to a standard of perfection. It doesn’t exist. When you try too hard to do things perfectly, you will miss out on making progress. Aiming for perfection leads to burnout and giving up. Focusing on progress makes sure you stay consistent.

✅ Don’t compare yourself to others. Stay in your own lane! You are a unique person with a unique body and circumstances. You cannot compare one aspect of your life to one aspect of someone else’s life. You have God-given strengths and weaknesses just like everyone else.

✅ Your thoughts control your body and energy. Watch your inner self-talk! Speak to yourself with love, grace and positivity. Recognize the power of your mind and the power of the Holy Spirit within you. Your body does what you believe. So start believing better things about yourself!

3 Reasons to Continue Your Fitness Routine During Spring Break

Welcome, Spring Break! Time to spring into action and make the most of this rejuvenating season! 💪🏻 Here are 3 reasons why working out during Spring Break is a must:

1️⃣ Endorphins & Positive Community 🌺 Boost your mood and energy levels to fully enjoy the break! 🧘🏻‍♀️ 🪷 💪🏻
2️⃣ Personal Growth 🌱 Stay on track with your fitness & wellness goals – feeling unstoppably amazing all day! ⏱️ 🥵 🥊
3️⃣ Stay Ready 🦋 Prep your body for all the outdoor adventures and activities ahead! 🏖️🚴‍♀️ 🏋🏻‍♀️

More? Sure! Keep reading:

1️⃣ Boost your mood and energy levels: Spring Break is all about relaxation and enjoyment, but sometimes all the indulgence can leave us feeling sluggish. A good workout session releases endorphins, those wonderful feel-good hormones, which can instantly lift your spirits and give you the energy boost you need to fully embrace the break. Whether it’s a morning yoga flow, a brisk walk on the lake, or a high-intensity cycle session, getting your body moving will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to make the most of your time off. Psst… come to my class! (wink wink)

2️⃣ Stay on track with your fitness goals: It’s easy to let your healthy habits slide during vacation mode, but maintaining a workout routine during Spring Break can help you stay focused and committed to your fitness goals. Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall health, consistent exercise is key. Plus, staying active during your break will help you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin, so you can fully enjoy all the activities and experiences that Spring Break has to offer.

3️⃣ Prep your body for all the outdoor adventures and activities ahead: From hiking and swimming to beach volleyball and snorkeling, Spring Break is full of exciting outdoor adventures. By incorporating regular workouts into your break, you’ll be strengthening your body and improving your endurance, making it easier to participate in all the fun activities on your itinerary. Plus, staying active will help prevent injuries and ensure that you can keep up with your friends and family every step of the way.

My Spring Break Schedule

Exciting news! I’ll be teaching my full class schedule throughout Spring Break, and I’d love for you to join in on the fun!

☀️ Bring your friends and family along too – I’ve got free guest passes available for all!

Let’s make this Spring Break one to remember! 🌺 🦋🌱

Recipe: Celery, Apple, & Walnut Salad

Did you know? Nuts can be some of the best little whole foods for energy. They’re quite balanced sources for protein, carbs, fiber…. which helps you feel more satiated… while also giving your body crave-worthy nutrients and vitamins to help you face the day.

So, this week, I’m sharing a nice little salad to host one of my go-to nuts: the walnut.

Celery, Apple & Walnut Salad, Serves 2
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tsp pure maple syrup
2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped
sea salt & black pepper, to taste

3 celery stalks, thinly sliced
1 medium green apple, thinly sliced
1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
4 cups romaine lettuce, roughly chopped
1/4 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped

1.) In a medium bowl whisk together the dressing ingredients.
2.) Add in the celery, apple, onion and walnuts. Toss to coat.
3.) Divide the lettuce on four serving plates and top with the celery mixture. Enjoy!

4 Types of Energy in Our Bodies

“Energy, like the Biblical grain of mustard seed, will move mountains.” – Hosea Ballou

Ready to get a little educated about energy? 🤓 In order to create more energy, let’s first dig deep into the science of how our bodies were created by God and how they function. Once you understand your body better, it’s much easier to activate that energy within! ⚡️

Let’s start out by answering the simple question: What is energy?

In general, energy is defined as: the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity or power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources. In more simple terms, energy is the ability to do work or perform an action. Just as there are different forms of energy and action in the physical world – electrical, mechanical, chemical, thermal, etc – there are different types of energy in our body.

Dr. Jim Loehr, a performance psychologist, identifies four types of energy in our bodies:

1️⃣ Physical – the quantity of our energy

2️⃣ Emotional – the quality of our energy

3️⃣ Mental – the focus of our energy

4️⃣ Spiritual – the force of our energy

Each of the types of energy are impacted by different factors, but they also affect each other. I think we’ve all encountered different tasks that we think, “I don’t have the _______ energy for that.” We can feel either full of energy or depleted of energy in different ways. But most likely if we don’t have much physical energy from lack of sleep or illness, we won’t have great mental energy to focus. If we don’t have good spiritual energy with regular prayer and scripture, we won’t have as much emotional energy to deal with difficult emotions.

I’ll talk about all of these types of energy in some way throughout the whole month. Comment below: What type of energy do you tend to struggle with the most?

Fit Pro Corner

WARRIOR Certifications:
I have several WARRIOR Certifications coming up around the corner in April 2024. One WARRIOR Rhythm virtual on April 21st, and one WARRIOR Combat in person on April 28th in Tulsa, OK (surprise, it’s just a few hours outside of Dallas, TX, y’all)! Check them both out here and get certified to become a WARRIOR Instructor with me this Spring!

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